Several agreements signed during Prime Minister’s visit to Vientiane, Lao PDR
There were some MoUs
and agreements signed between India and Lao PDR, apart from announcements:
Signatory from Indian
side Signatory from Laotian side
1. Memorandum of
Understanding between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of India and
Ministry of National Defence of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic concerning
Defence Cooperation was signed
by Rajnath Singh, Defence Minister of India and General Chansamone Chanyalath,
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence, Lao PDR.
2. Memorandum of
Understanding on Cooperation of Broadcasting between Lao National Television,
Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism of Lao PDR and Prasar Bharati of
the Republic of India was
signed by Prashant Agrawal, Ambassador of India to Lao PDR and Dr Amkha
VONGMEUNKA, General Director, Lao National TV.
3. Agreement between
the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Government of
the Republic of India on Co-operation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matter
was signed by Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Chairman, Central Board of Indirect Taxes
& Customs and Phoukhaokham VANNAVONGXAY, Director General Customs, Ministry
of Finance, Lao PDR.
4. QIP on
Preservation of heritage of performing art of Phalak-Phalam (Lao Ramayana)
drama in Luang Prabang Province was signed by Prashant Agrawal, Ambassador of
India to Lao PDR and Soudaphone KHOMTHAVONG, Director of Luang Prabang
Department of Information.
5. QIP on Renovation
of Wat Phakea Temple in Luang Prabang Province was signed by Prashant Agrawal,
Ambassador of India to Lao PDR and Soudaphone KHOMTHAVONG, Director of Luang
Prabang Department of Information, Culture.
6. QIP on
Preservation of Shadow Puppet Theatre's Performance in Champasak Province was
signed by Prashant Agrawal, Ambassador of India to Lao PDR and Somsack PHOMCHALEAN, President of
Champasak Sadao Puppets Theater, Office at Ban.
7. Announcement of a
Project to improve nutrition security in Lao PDR through food fortification
with about USD 1 million assistance from India through the India-UN Development
Partnership Fund was also made.